Airline Software (ALS) is a graphical database system used to record Flight Line and Depot level maintenance actions on specific aircraft components. Data acquisition (input) begins (i.e. a new database record is opened) when, on the flight line, an equipment (component) is removed from an aircraft for any reason. Later, the record is accessed by at the Depot during Findings (bench test) and maintenance (Action Taken), and all parts repaired and replaced, shop labor, mod records, etc. are input using ALS’s unprecedented graphical to database interface.
By applying the benefits & convenience of an on-line database with consistently detailed, explicit maintenance data, airline operators are finally able to attain precise information on maintenance costs, piece part consumption rates, removal reasons @ unit hours (for hard / soft timing), etc. ALS includes seven (7) standard reports for your convenience and also exports data for use by your Component and Fleet engineers.