Data Reporting

Beyond the graphical to database Line & Depot user interface that ensures consistent database precision, ALS provides aircraft component and fleet engineers with an assortment of seven (7) standard reports (as well as numerous optional and custom reports):




ALS allows full access to the MS_Access97 database files to personnel with Engineering level or above user privilege (maintained by System Administrator). Thus, any level of research or analysis afforded by the content of your maintenance dataset is within your reach. ALS also export s data in common formats


Shown below is a hypothetical Part Usage report (the data was made up for testing and demo purposes, it is not real airline data) showing the quantity and cost of each unique part consumed in the maintenance of the subject aircraft component. Below the table data is a summary for the reporting period shown at the upper left of the report.



Shown below is a hypothetical Cost of Maintenance report (again, these data were fabricated for testing and demo purposesonly) showing the quantity and cost of each unique part consumed in the maintenance of unit serial number 125 (upper left) removed on 2/6/95. Below the table data is a parts and labor summary providing the total cost of the subject repair action, less any operating losses caused by delay or cancellation (which ALS can also track and quantify).
